Defending Renters From Retaliatory Eviction
Since 2014
Our Guarantee
No recovery, no fee. We don’t get paid unless you get paid, guaranteed!
It is illegal for a landlord to retaliate against a tenant for exerting their legal rights such as complaining to a government agency regarding the conditions of the tenant’s residence.
If you have complained to your landlord or a government agency regarding the conditions of your residence and the landlord has thereafter sought to evict you, contact NPN Law to protect your rights.  You may be entitled to damages for the landlord’s retaliation.
Hear From Our Recent Clients

No recovery, no fee. We don’t get paid unless you get paid, guaranteed!

If your exposure to mold is the result of negligence or recklessness on the part of a landlord, employer or anyone else, you may be able to pursue an injury claim

Many times asbestos exposure comes from the workplace or from living in slum conditions for many years, get a free consultation today.

We have taken on landlords, management companies, public housing authorities, government agencies, and others for lead poisoning.

Uninhabitable Living Conditions
California law requires that landlords provide renters with a place to live that is safe and secure

Health & Safety Code Violations
You may have a claim against your landlord for collecting rent while government code violations persist.

Unpermitted Units
Converted garages, converted closets, unpermitted building additions.